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Flower Arrangement


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•    Registration Fee: - A one-time amount paid to register and qualify as a member after completing the registration form. 
•    Contribution: - Amount levied equally on each member to replace the money paid to cover funeral expenses of a member. 
•    Family member: -membership comprising more than one person in a household. 
•    Single family member: - membership comprising a head of the household and its children under 25 years of age. 
•    Single member: - membership of a single person with no other person in his care 
•    Underage: - individuals under 25 years of age registered under a family member. 
•    Married Underage: - those regardless of their age who must register as a family member. 

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•    Registration Fee: - A one-time amount paid to register and qualify as a member after completing the registration form. 
•    Contribution: - Amount levied equally on each member to replace the money paid to cover funeral expenses of a member. 
•    Family member: -membership comprising more than one person in a household. 
•    Single family member: - membership comprising a head of the household and its children under 25 years of age. 
•    Single member: - membership of a single person with no other person in his care 
•    Underage: - individuals under 25 years of age registered under a family member. 
•    Married Underage: - those regardless of their age who must register as a family member. 


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